Friday, December 7, 2012

Televised Heroics

After noting that The CW’s Arrow continually hits the mark with its audience, Charlie Jane Anders thinks that things may be looking up for superheroes on television:

“Mainstream television is experiencing a pretty soap-operatic moment, thanks to the increase in serialized storytelling and the decrease in episodic “back to square one” stories. So maybe we’re ready for an influx of shows that combine the “trying to help people” ethos of the 1970s with the present-day emphasis on love tetrahedrons and lingering angst.”

Previous coverage of television shows based on comics here. There’s little doubt that the success of The Walking Dead has shown television producers that viewers expect more from these adaptations than simply actors suiting up to appear as if they just stepped out of the page. The new approach requires intelligent plotlines, good character development, and a cast that can make it all seem believable.

(Image: Stephen Amell in Arrow, The CW/Warner Bros. Television)

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